Sunday, November 16, 2008

GOOD GOD it's been ages.....

I forgot I owned this blog till I decided to make a blog and realized I had an account.


So. The moving thing. It's so close to happening I can spit on it. The house is almost built, it doesn't look too bad. Funny thing,.. there is this little black squirrel that seems to have moved into the unfinished house. He even hides nuts all over the place. In work boots, in the ventilation ducts, in my dad's toolbox,.... we have asked him politely to leave but he won't listen.
Does the 30 days eviction notice apply for squirrels or can we just pile all of his nuts on the back porch and change the locks?

Anyways,.... back to my random packing. I never realized I had this much shit. Or did I?

Ciao for Now.


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